The Fitness Conversation...

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Health and fitness has grown to come in many different flavours these days…

So when shopping around you may think CrossFit, Strongman or Gymnastics aren’t your thing…

This might be true.

What is also true is that as a human being you will at some point be required to push, pull, lift, jump and throw.

It’s just part of the deal…  

We do these things daily in some way shape or form if we want to function in this world.    

We cannot escape these responsibilities.  

As a gym we are seen as a type of workout.

So for some Accelerate Strength might not be their thing…  

In my opinion this is not true.

If the conversation we are having is about human movement and becoming better at it my opinion is the training we, or any other reputable CrossFit gym offers should be the only way people train…   

You shouldn’t need fancy heart rate monitors, coloured rooms or a DJ to help you sweat…  

To me the only reason to not train with us is to go and perform these human movements somewhere else.  

It’s not something you just try. It’s not just some phase or fad.

It’s real human movement and we’re all responsible for how well we do it!

Accelerate Strength