How Do You Judge A Job Well Done?
When you finish a class what makes you feel like you have done a good job?
Is it the effort you put in?
Do you have to PR?
Do you have to lift more weight, do more reps or do the workout faster?
While those things are important there will be a time when they don’t come so easily.
You see the more you do the harder it gets.
If you are already good at something you have less room to improve.
In my opinion showing up and putting in your best effort is the starting point. From there you need to ask yourself…
Did I learn something?
Did I move better than I have previously?
Did I feel more comfortable during a complex movement pattern?
These are the things which over time will lead to more weight, more reps and faster workouts.
The only way to move from a beginner to intermediate and then become an expert is to be better at moving. Period!