Get what you set out to achieve


Our job as coaches is to get you to where you want to go! You want to lose 10kg? Easy! You want to get stronger? Easy! You want to decrease your body fat %? Easy!

Luck for us if you keep showing up to training and allow us to coach you, you will get exactly what you want! Every, Single, Time!

It may take all your effort, some patience and persistence but you will get the results.

How do I know this?

Because I have seen it time and time again. Our clients have seen it and you will see it too!

The story isn’t always this simple though…

As a new client the first thing we talk with you about is your goals. This will leave you feeling good about yourself, you are motivated and are bursting with energy and enthusiasm. You want A and B and we talk about how we can help you get there.

In a perfect world fast forward 6-12 months and you’re looking back at your goals having completed them and it’s on to bigger and better things.

Sounds pretty simple right?

Yes, but…

You have to live up to your side of the deal too!

In the beginning we all agree with what you want and you are willing to do anything and everything to make it all happen. Then at some stage through the process the struggle is real. Life gets real…  

This is where most people fall down because they have already seen the end result.

It no longer seems worthwhile trying. Our brains can do this crazy thing where just from visualising the end result it can give us the feeling of having reached our goal and the hard work no longer seems worth it! We feel good just by thinking about it…

Here’s the thing, I bet you still actually want what you said you wanted in the first place. In the meantime however your brain has just created a way out… By making you feel good about yourself even if you do give up.

This is where we step in!

Not only are we your coaches for movement and training but we also coach your mindset, your nutrition and are going to hold you accountable.

We don’t hear the little voice inside your head constantly trying to undermine you and lead you off the pathway to your goals. If you do fall victim and get led astray we will still be here for you.

We will be here with a bigger voice to get you back on the pathway and get your head straight!

It may seem like tough love but you will thank us in the end!

Accelerate Strength