The Difference Between “Have To” And “Get To”


Deadlines work for us because they focus our minds and create urgency. They work for things like assignments and getting our taxes done. They’re a great external tool for the work we “have to” do!

On the other hand ice cream works too. You don’t need an external force to encourage you to eat it after dinner. It’s something you “get to” do not something you have to do!

My point in saying this is you can either go through life in “have to” mode using deadlines, late fees and other external tools as your motivation.

Alternatively you can redefine these as things you “get to” do! If used correctly you can view something as simple as your taxes this way. You “get to” do them because you’re successful enough to make enough money and live in a country which has roads, a good medical system and opportunities for everyone!

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength