Accelerate Strength

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Time Waits For No One...

Time doesn’t wait for anyone… It doesn’t matter how rich, poor, young or old you are, we all get a certain amount allocated over our lives and we can do with it what we choose…

If you’re not careful and don’t recognise the days passing you by you will find yourself quickly becoming a less capable version of yourself physically and this is something I can guarantee nobody wants...

Sure things will get a little harder as we age but this isn’t an excuse to stop us from trying to maintain our physical abilities…  

The problem I see in most people's approach is they view their training as a luxury. It’s as if they need everything to be going perfectly in their lives and only then can they find the time to train.

If this is you I would strongly encourage you to change this perspective.  I would suggest one where movement and training comes first.

All too often people tell me how much they miss training and the way it makes them feel.  Hopefully you too realise this but not before it’s too late…