Switching It Up Isn't a Thing...
CrossFit isn’t the only way in this world to get fit, strong and build your capacity. For the general population though in my opinion it is the best way!
The problem is most people aren't willing to accept this. They are simply after a gym experience which makes them feel good about themselves and where they are always having wins.
They would rather this constant winning than somewhere which exposes their weaknesses and makes them work a little harder…
Progressing your physical performance isn’t something you can hide from. It is a look at your strengths and you weaknesses and having an honest conversation around them. You either get better or you don’t it is black and white!
I feel compelled to write this because I think everybody should train at Accelerate Strength (I’m a little bias) or any reputable CrossFit gym for that matter.
The reason I say this is because the majority of people who leave because they feel the need to switch things up with their training rarely do so…
In my opinion they aren’t switching it up so they can go and get stronger, more flexible or build their endurance somewhere else.
They do something else like a boxing class, pilates or yoga because they feel like they are making progress without having to be brutally honest about their true weakness.
The problem I see is people who leave training with us who want to work on their flexibility will rarely go somewhere to improve their flexibility. Those who aren’t strong rarely seek out a strength coach to get stronger. Those who have some sort of movement issue will often give up because it is a long tough road.
Most of these people will find somewhere which allows them to sweep these “weaknesses” under the rug and just get a sweat on!
This to me seems crazy. If you have an issue in life the worst thing you can do is walk away because YOU will always know…
We are all individuals but this doesn’t mean you’re exempt from hard work. There is no such thing as being allergic to running, or lifting weights. It is possible to not enjoy doing something but still have the responsibility to do it!
When that feeling to “switch things up” arises just think to yourself am I just letting myself off the hook?
Until I see people quitting gyms to get after their health and fitness in other places my opinion will remain unchanged.
In my opinion you don’t need to switch things up, you need be honest with yourself, get to work and just be a little bit better than you were yesterday!