Accelerate Strength

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FREE Foam Rolling And Release Workshop...

Just to clear things up for those who may not know what I’m talking about here. Essentially foam rolling is a form of self massage or release of muscles and fascia. It helps get rid of any adhesions in the muscles and connective tissues.

Foam rolling has also been linked to increasing blood flow to muscles, creating better mobility, aiding in recovery after workouts/competition and improving performance…

If this has piqued your interest and you’re keen to learn more Accelerate Strength has teamed with iMove physio to bring you a FREE workshop on the 25th May @ 10am.

Learn things like the correct way to foam roll, how long to do it for, what applications it will work for and walk away with a routine you can follow to improve your recovery, mobility and performance…

This event is open to members and non members of Accelerate Strength so feel free to invite friends or family who would benefit from this too.

Please email: to reserve a spot as spaces will be limited…

Shaun Diachkoff
