Accelerate Strength

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Where To Focus To Achieve Your Goals This Year!

I have a love hate relationship with this time of  year. I love that most people become super motivated to make change and do something about their current situation. 

This is also the thing I dislike about it too.  

Why is it that we need to wait for some arbitrary change on the calendar to make a change for the better?

What I have seen over the years is most people won’t rise to the occasion when they set these New Years goals. They will instead fall to the level of the systems they have in place. The most classic of examples: (Not eating junk food: Keep junk food in the house and you will probably eat it. Don’t have it in the house it’s much easier not to eat it) 

Goals are the desired outcome but seldom do people think about the steps required to get there. Building a system or daily habits around your goals is what will help you get there. 

This year I want you to spend less time focussing on outcomes and more time focussing on the habits or systems that will lead to the results. Doing these things each and every day  is what will lead to the results!