Accelerate Strength

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Doing Something For Yourself...

This past weekend we hosted our 7th Accelerate Strength Retreat. We spent 4 nights and 5 days in beautiful Byron Bay with the theme being relationships.

When I mention this theme most people immediately think to relationships being romantic ones or their relationships with others. They neglect to think of the relationship they have with themselves…

This is a hard thing to do during the mundane day to day we find ourselves stuck in with work, social events, family and everything else which seems to draw our time and attention.

Rather than tell you everything we did over the weekend I will give you my takeaway instead.

Spend more time doing the things which give you energy! This is essentially building the relationship you have with yourself…

There are many ways to do this but if you’re stuck and need help we’re running a retreat to Bali in August so get in touch and I will show you how!

Shaun Diachkoff
