Accelerate Strength

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Bad Habits Form In Good Times

“Bad habits form in good times”

This phrase has stuck with me over the last 5 years of owning a gym and it is just as applicable in business as it is in training…

You have probably seen this happen with a friend or colleague. The person who has worked really hard to lose a bunch of weight and when they finally reach their goal they celebrate. They stop doing all of the things which got them the result in the first place because hey they earnt it right?

What this looks like in business is a drive to gain new clients, a focus on bringing people through the door only then to reach a certain number of clients or revenue figure and then stop.

So if you have recently seen some success in either department and have noticed yourself start to ease of the pedal enjoy it but realise that if you want to keep moving forward you’ll need to ramp it back up to keep getting the results you’re used to!