Accelerate Strength

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I Think You're Amazing But... You're Capable Of So Much More...

There’s a good chance if I asked you the question “Do you know yourself?” Most people would reply yes without any hesitation…  

You could rattle off your strengths and maybe be open to admitting a few weaknesses. We think we have a pretty good handle on what we can do. These beliefs and the way we think about ourselves is solidified by the people we surround ourselves with. Family and friends are always to back you up and tell you how wonderful you are and how you’re crushing it…

This is nice but they don’t know what you really want.  

While I too think you’re amazing I think to be you are nowhere near your best self. If we’re to be honest here you know you still have so much more to achieve.

I think everyone is amazing and has so much more they need to do to live up to their potential…  

You see most people are currently living to a 6 maybe 7 out of 10 in my opinion… We all have hopes and dreams and things we want to achieve and I bet no one on this planet can look me in the eye and without lying tell me they are there. They’re #livingtheirbestlife so to speak…

So listen to me when I say this… Yes you can!

You are capable of so much more than you could possibly imagine! If those around you can’t see this maybe it’s time to surround yourself with those who can…  

So stop listening to others who don’t know what you really want and get out there and make it happen!

Shaun Diachkoff
