Accelerate Strength

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Lesson From An 8 Time NBA Champion...

Steve Kerr is the current head coach of the Golden State Warriors. My favourite team in the NBA and in my biased opinion Steve is currently the best coach in the NBA.

Not because he coaches the team which has won 3 out of the last 4 NBA championships but because of his values and the way he and his players share them.  

Steve talks about “Joy” being the value he feels is the centrepiece to his teams success of the last 4 years. Joy he feels is critical to the way the team plays. He says, ‘when my team are having fun and enjoying the game they are more likely to be good at it’…  

With team captain and arguably the best shooter in NBA history Steph Curry leading the way in this pursuit of finding joy with his dancing, posing and the child like manner in which he plays the game it is infectious amongst the team…

Not only is this joy practiced on the court it extends to their team practice, celebrating every member of staffs birthdays and special events and even in things as serious as film break down sessions.

So how does this value apply to you and what can you take from it?

Too often I observe a very forced or serious manner in peoples training. Sure you are there to get a workout done but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.

Lost in thought about work later that day or what you will have for dinner, little effort is put into being in and enjoying the moment. I too am not immune to these thoughts but if we can all agree we will be better at things if we have fun with them, the sooner we can start having fun!  

Shaun Diachkoff


You can listen to Steve talk on the Finding Mastery Podcast via this link: