Back Pain And Training...
One concern often expressed to us by new clients or by those who are considering joining us is that of lifting weights and the pain it will cause their backs.
It seems odd to me that people are so concerned about the potential for back pain and place such a huge emphasis on it and then completely forget to actually train their backs to be stronger and more resilient…
Sure there is a real risk when lifting weights. But this risk is also present when picking up furniture to move house, picking up your kids or lifting something heavy into the back of your car.
The thing about movements in the gym is that you have complete control over them. How heavy the bar is, what implement you use and how quickly you do it. This cannot be said for everything outside the gym. So many variables come into play and the environment is far less controlled…
Here’s the thing, your back has muscles in it. These are the erectors of your spine. While I’m sure people understand this, it’s also common to see these people freak out when they get sore. These same people will laugh or brag about how sore their legs or arms get after a big session but as soon as the back is sore it’s time to call the doctor…
So just like the other muscles in your body you may require your back to get a little sore for it to get stronger. (If they do here’s some natural things you can try) In saying this I also want to make something crystal clear...
Your spine is not your back and if you ever experience pain here it is definitely something which needs to be treated differently and I would highly recommend seeing someone you know and trust about it…
So if you’ve been on the fence about doing anything which could remotely cause back pain remember this, a strong back is important for injury prevention, athletic performance and to function well as a human.
Don’t neglect it!
Shaun Diachkoff