Accelerate Strength

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TakIng A Stand

One of the many things we at Accelerate Strength are trying to take a stand against is the instant gratification culture the fitness industry is leaning towards...

In a world where you can order food to your door in 10 minutes, buy anything online and have it express shipped to you in less than 4 hours or watch any movie or tv show ever made whenever you like via streaming, we humans are becoming less patient. 

It’s almost as if it’s now the old school mentality to invest a long time into something (like goals) and work towards them. 

The great thing about what we do in the gym is that building real strength and fitness will always teach us patience. Because I’m yet to see an app or company offering the body, strength and fitness of our dreams in 5 minutes and actually delivering on it... I’m not ruling it out because where there’s a will there’s a way and humans are good at making things easier for ourselves. 

As funny as the idea of the app might be it’s not a real thing. What is here and now is the fact you need to work hard, harder than you currently do and for longer than you currently do if you want to reach the goals you have set out in the gym.