Accelerate Strength

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Where Does Your Energy Go?

These days there’s countless ways to spend our time, effort and money. Some decide to spend it all on their jobs, investments or business. Some will spend it on relationships, either building more of them or getting the most out of the ones they have. Some will spend more time on themselves, investing on courses, self development and health/fitness. 

A question I like to ask people is where they spend most of their time, effort and money... 

This is not a trick question, it is merely a question to help you take stock of your current situation and take an objective view of what you’re currently doing.

Sure at times in life it pays to spend more time on certain things over others. When starting a new business for example it obviously pays to be getting your name out there and investing time in it. When entering into a new relationship it pays to do nice things for your partner because you’re trying to impress them. 

Now while times like these do demand extra time and effort, in my opinion, your focus and effort should still remain primarily on yourself. This isn’t meant in any way as a selfish endeavour but instead because if you’re in the best physical and mental state possible then you will always be able to put more effort into other areas. 

So the next time life pull you in a different direction take stock of where you going and bring the focus back to YOU because only then can you give your best effort in other areas…