Accelerate Strength

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Training Smarter Not Harder

When you walk into Accelerate Strength you won’t be greeted by wall to wall machines. This is because we believe movements which incorporate more or all of your body to do them will give you better results for your time investment.  

Don’t get me wrong. There is definitely a time and place for gym machines and isolation movements. For example isolation work to rehab people from injury, to strengthen one body part or for those who have the need for the inbuilt safety of a machine.

Outside of these reasons if you are limited on time and want to get maximum results from the least investment of your time you need to listen in…  

The most simple example would be to compare a few sets of bicep curls to a few sets of back squats. If your goal is to increase your fitness and health you will see far greater results in doing the back squats than you ever will from bicep curls. (I’m in no way a hater of curls)

We understand this concept at Accelerate. So the next time you come in for a workout with us and look at the program realise we are looking to maximise your results for your time investment.  

Work smarter in the gym not harder and you will enjoy your time here more!

Shaun Diachkoff
