Accelerate Strength

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How Well Do You Know Yourself?

Do you know your limiting factors?

Now I’m not just talking about what your weaknesses are. Everybody can rattle those off. I’m after information a little more specific…

For example, a pull up might be a weakness, but is it the top part of the pull up or the bottom half? If a handstand push up is your weakness is it your shoulders or triceps that are weakest?

Knowing these limits is the surest way to becoming the athlete you want to be!

Another example I see often in the gym is with the barbell… Plenty of clients have the strength to do front squats but lack the mobility in the wrists to hold it in a good front rack position.

So for them the limiting factor is wrist mobility and strength. So without having to do any more front squats they can improve their front squat by working on their wrist mobility and strength.

Sounds like a sweet hack to me… Not having to do squats and making your squat better.

This is the benefit of knowing your limiting factors!

The bad news with limiting factors is we all have them. The plus side to this is you still have plenty of gains to make if these factors are addressed…