Accelerate Strength

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Act Your Age...

Do you remember what it was like as a child learning new skills? The constant stumbles, failed attempts and falling on your face, only to get back up and give it another try…

You were young so things were still new. You were willing to give them a try even if you didn’t know the outcome.  

We make reference to training age quite a lot in the gym.

Much like your biological age, your training age is indicative of how long you have been using a training method like ours.

How long have you been following a strength and conditioning program?  

For many of our clients their training age is less than five years old. As a child this would make them a toddler, almost school age.

At this age it's perfectly fine to make mistakes. To try and fail and ask for help when you need it.

So why do I often see people in such a rush to learn everything in the first few days or weeks?

Next time this feeling takes hold remember your training age…