Accelerate Strength

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35 Reasons To Not Train Today...

If you’re short on reasons to not come to the gym here’s a few I have heard in the past…

  1. You had a tough day at work

  2. You didn’t get to eat lunch

  3. The workout has burpees in it

  4. You don’t like training at night

  5. You will start again next week

  6. You forgot your favourite shirt

  7. It’s your birthday

  8. You have a tinder date

  9. It’s raining

  10. It’s cold

  11. You didn’t pack the right shoes

  12. Your favourite show is on tv

  13. The workout doesn’t look that fun

  14. You have a work dinner

  15. You have to go out with friends

  16. State of origin

  17. You haven’t done that movement before

  18. You don’t want to train with the morning crew

  19. You aren’t a morning person

  20. Traffic

  21. Something came up last minute

  22. You had a flat tyre

  23. It’s too hot

  24. Your friend isn’t going to be there

  25. The workout has double unders in it

  26. You don't want to lift weights

  27. It’s a public holiday

  28. It’s the weekend

  29. You haven’t been that much lately so why bother

  30. You’re sore

  31. You just got back from holidays

  32. You are going on holidays next week

  33. You didn’t sleep very well last night

  34. You left work a little late

  35. You watched the bachelor instead

It’s easy to think of reasons to let yourself off the hook…

The hard thing is come up with just as many reasons to train!  

At the end of the day your fitness is the thing that is missing out!