Finding Fitness Which Sticks!
I am yet to meet a person who has reached the level of health and fitness they are truly happy with…
Most people's effort to get in shape seems to follow the same mix of peaks and valleys.
Satisfaction and lots of motivation, followed by low motivation and then a state of unhappy with how they let themselves go again…
It seems as though January 1st rolls around and most people hit it hard going to the gym almost every day of the week only to fall off the wagon by the start of February!
So how can you avoid the trap of going too hard running out of steam and suffering from the disappointing valleys that follow…
Everyone pursues their fitness for some reason. Whether to just look better, increase their performance or to feel great again. The one thing which rings true for all of these results is consistency!
The key to quality, lifelong results is consistency.
On the journey to fitness we need to set ourselves up for success.
What’s your plan to get there? And is it realistic?
In my opinion when you’ve found a way to effortlessly weave nutrition and fitness into your lifestyle then you know you’re on the right path!