Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover
As humans we are experts at labelling things. Good, bad or not for me…
As the owner of a CrossFit gym for the last 4 years I see this play out daily.
People hear the word Crossfit and an immediate thought comes to their head. They make up a story...
This isn’t just limited to fitness…
People do this with food, relationships and schools…
Rather than seeking to learn about it, trying it out or understanding, we take the easy road.
We label things too hard, bad tasting or too expensive.
If instead of being quick to label we sought to understand new and different things you might surprise yourself...
Don’t get me wrong I’m not preaching from my high horse, I have fallen victim to this mindset too!
So next time you see something you don’t understand, you have never tried or you find yourself forming an opinion seek first to understand.
Only then can you pass judgement!