Accelerate Strength

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The things often left unsaid...

Over the years of coaching I have found we can only take the conversation so far within the four walls of the gym. There is only so much you can share as a coach in an hour long gym class.

All the talk of squats, burpees and pull ups while important is also very surface level.

Important yes but often times I feel important things which actually make a difference are left unsaid.  

I own a gym and facilitating people grow fitter and stronger is what we do. It may seem as simple as that looking from the outside in.

People come in do a workout and go home. This perception although common could not be further from the truth…

What actually happens is we hold people accountable to the things they want their body to do, the way it looks or the way they feel.  

We hold them accountable for the actions they take inside and outside the gym and we develop challenges for them to facilitate growth and to transcend what they are capable of.  

We challenge them in ways they couldn’t do without the accountability of a coach.

We empower them with the knowledge of how to move their body, how to make it feel better all in a sustainable way.  

We can do this because we ourselves are hungry to learn, grow and develop.  

We strive to continually deliver a better product and experience than we did the previous month!  

By writing this I am hoping to have the conversations which are not normally had in the 4 walls of the gym. To share the things I feel are left unsaid which will actually make a difference…