Pick something To Look Forward To
In my experience I have found people are much more motivated when they have a target to aim for on their fitness journey…
Those who are starting out on their fitness journeys are great at this in my opinion. Usually they have some sort of aesthetic goal/weight loss goal which are not my favourites but at least it is a target to aim for.
I find those who have been at this fitness thing for a while lose sight of setting these small things to look forward to and training just becomes something they do.
While they have created a great habit their progress may stall for long periods of time because they don’t have things to look forward to.
So what should you do if this is you?
Find something worthwhile and put it in your calendar. Rope in a few friends to do it with you if this helps too!
The CrossFit Open, a City to Surf run or a tough mudder/spartan race are just a few great examples we saw our clients get after this last year.
Hopefully by booking this in it gives you a little more motivation on those days you wonder why you are doing this…
Shaun Diachkoff