Accelerate Strength

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How Much Do You Invest In Yourself?

I have this conversation with many potential clients each week.

When i’m told they can’t afford us or they feel it is too expensive to pay any more than $10-$15/week to train in a gym I simply ask what their budget for health and fitness is…

Most people don’t have an answer for this. Most people haven’t put any thought into this but will happily draw up a budget for what they will spend on a night out or how much they can spend on the latest consumer products.  

These people are in my experience also the ones who claim to be health conscious.

While paying for a premium gym membership isn’t for everyone I feel collectively people are willing to spend much more on things which will bring down their health and fitness than the things which will actually improve it.

Things like a physio appointment to help work on your bad posture from working on a computer all day.

Perhaps a massage once a month to relieve some of the stress you put your body through.

Or even a personal trainer who can coach you through some movements and take the hassle out of you trying to come up with new and different workouts all the time…

Instead I see these self titled “Health conscious” people spend their hard earned money on things like alcohol/drugs, poor food choices and material things…

While I am not preaching from my high horse I am simply trying to remind everyone of the fact that each and every one of us gets only one body to last us this lifetime.

The sooner we realise this point and reflect it in our actions and spending habits the better off we will be…  

Shaun Diachkoff
