From Little Things Big Things Grow...
In my opinion most peoples approach to skill development is flawed.
The approach I observe mostly is just showing up and ticking the box. For example if you go to the gymnastics class tonight you tick the box for progressing your gymnastic abilities no matter how the session goes… This is definitely not the case…
To me this isn’t making progress. It is practice for practice’s sake…
In order to truly make progress towards a skill you must set an intention for the day.
You must pick a particular part of the session (or thing) you are doing and put all of your effort towards that.
An example for this could be to keep your feet together on every kipping swing, to work on your hand positioning in your handstand or to initiate your squat by pushing your hips back first.
We as humans are designed to develop our skills little by little, step by step and over time these small steps lead to huge changes!
So make the small things big targets and watch them develop over time…
Shaun Diachkoff